CCVO Request for Proposals: Boland Survey Market and Economic Feasibility Study

CCVO is seeking proposals from experienced firms to conduct market analysis and create a market development plan that will support early-stage investment in the Boland Survey. This project is supported by the Investment Readiness Program, funded by the Government of Canada. 


CCVO is a registered charity that promotes and strengthens the nonprofit sector by developing and sharing resources and knowledge, building connections, leading collaborative work, and giving voice to critical issues affecting the sector.

The Boland Survey is one of a suite of social enterprises within CCVO’s charitable structure. This survey is the only comprehensive source of nonprofit sector compensation data in Canada. It was launched by a private firm in 1999, with CCVO assuming full ownership and administration of the survey in 2018. Nonprofit organizations, mainly but not exclusively based in Western Canada, purchase an annual subscription between $149 - $549 depending on organizational size that allows them to submit their workforce data and receive access to regional and national workforce data (including salary, HR practices, trends, etc.). Organizations use the data collected by the Boland Survey to benchmark their compensation practices and to assist with workforce issues. More on the Boland Survey can be found here.

In 2019, CCVO launched a new online platform for Boland that includes an automated registration process and an interactive reporting system.

The Boland Survey subscriber base overlaps significantly with CCVO membership and Reach Hire employers, another CCVO social enterprise. It also connects with other areas of CCVO’s work, specifically within our research and policy work. CCVO has policy priorities that reflect areas where we intend to show leadership in advocating for the best outcomes for the nonprofit sector, share our insights and knowledge, and provide analysis on relevant policy issues. The Boland Survey supports the priority area “A Vibrant Nonprofit Sector Workforce” which aims to support and recognize the nonprofit workforce in all the contributions it makes both to the quality of life for each and every Albertan and the economic strength of the province.


To support the development of a business model for the Boland Survey, CCVO requires an initial market and economic feasibility assessment that can identify key potential markets, identify potential market share, and estimate revenue potential for the growth of Boland into new markets.

CCVO will work with external consultant(s) to identify potential users and new regional markets for the Boland Survey that have strong opportunity based on need, size and availability of regional investors that have a shared interest in supporting critical mass early-stage growth of new market users, and to develop a strategic plan for growing subscribers within identified new markets through investment in early-stage bulk subscriptions, awareness-raising and marketing strategies that include the development of any supporting material required.

Specifically, we are looking for:

  1. Market Analysis*

    • Past and current subscribers – Review of past/current survey subscribers including purchase history, data usage patterns, and other relevant available data.

    • Regional and subregional market assessment – Review of market conditions including past, current, and potential subscription numbers, organization demographics, and other relevant available data.

    • Subsector markets – Review of market conditions within existing and potential regions including identification of organizational networks, data needs, and other relevant available data.

    • Identification of new user markets– Review of existing users and identification of potential to grow usership within new user markets such as consultants, governments, or others.

  2. Comparable Analysis

    • Review and comparison, including market share, of competitors within the national market.

  3. Partnership Revenue Potential

    • Outline of key preliminary parameters drawn from the research above to establish market demand, potential target mix, projections, and other relevant conclusions.

    • Identification of potential investment partners in key regions.

  4. Financial Projections

    • Proposed operating projections

    • Gross Revenue projections

  5. Market Development Plan

    • Strategic plan to engage potential growth partners in key regions.

    • Supporting marketing plan to be delivered by CCVO that outlines approaches to:

      • build awareness in key regions (i.e. to reach organizations beyond the reach of investment partners);

      • re-engage lapsed subscribers; and

      • build awareness amongst those already engaged in other CCVO work (e.g. Reach Hire users).

*A preliminary listing of available data to inform market and economic feasibility is listed below


Initial market and comparable analysis (Items 1 and 2 above) to be completed by March 31, 2021.
Items 3 - 5 to be completed no later than May 31, 2021.

CCVO recognizes the aggressive timeline for this work and is looking for a qualified firm or individual(s) that can work with us in the timeline as presented.


  1. CCVO Research

    • Boland Survey – User Feedback Surveys (ongoing)

    • Boland Survey – Annual Compensation Reports (1997-2019)

    • Boland Survey – Haskayne MBA Review (2017)

    • CCVO – State of the Nonprofit Sector (2020)

    • CCVO – Membership Data

    • CCVO – Market Analysis (whole organization)

  2. Other Related Research

    • Other compensation survey reports (various)


Interested individuals(s) or firms should respond to CCVO no later than February 12, 2020.

A shortlist of vendors will be invited for interviews on February 18 & 19 with the final vendor selection made by February 24.

Responses should be in email, PDF file format to:
Tracey Braun, Manager, Programs
Phone: 1-403-910-5872

Please respond with:

  1. An overview of your approach for the services required.

  2. An overview of your qualifications.

  3. A quote for services including Vendor fees and disbursements.


Qualified individual(s) or firms will be competitively assessed based on demonstrated ability to develop a comprehensive study that identifies market potential, revenue generation, and operating costs related to a compensation survey’s economic feasibility; on price and the ability to meet tight deadlines.


Boland Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: This version of the FAQs includes questions specific to the RFP (market and economic feasibility study) released in January 2021.

Last updated: February 10, 2021 

Can you give us some background on the Boland Survey and what is prompting this project?
The Boland Survey is one of a suite of social enterprises within CCVO’s charitable structure. This survey is the only comprehensive source of nonprofit sector compensation data in Canada. It was launched by a private firm in 1999, with CCVO partnering with the firm from 2015 – 2017 to administer the survey and then assuming full ownership and administration of the survey in 2018. From 2018 – present, CCVO has focused on the technical aspects of the survey (i.e., platform development) to prepare for market expansion.  

What is the participation rate/regional makeup of organizations who complete the Boland Survey?
The average number of participants in the five years prior to CCVO’s involvement (i.e., 2010 – 2014) was 252 organizations. In the three years of the partnership (i.e., 2015 – 2017), the average number of participants rose to 351 organizations, but the last two years have seen that number reduced to 263 organizations, partly due to technical challenges in 2019. The 2020 survey is still in the field and so final numbers are not yet available.

Regionally, 70% – 80% of organizations who complete the survey come from Alberta. Ontario and British Columbia organizations make up another 20% – 30%, with the remainder being in the Prairies (Manitoba-Saskatchewan) and the Atlantic provinces.

Who is the primary customer(s) for this product? Does CCVO already have a target customer or market in mind?
To date, the primary customer has been nonprofit organizations who require compensation data to complete their own compensation work e.g., HR professionals making changes to salaries or benefits packages, boards looking to hire executive directors, etc. We are also approached by consultants who want the data on behalf of organizations for whom they are doing compensation reviews.

CCVO has discussed different markets or customer profiles in relation to previous years’ surveys, but we are undertaking this project to learn, not confirm, where our best marketing options will be.

Does the typical HR company/consultant not do this work?
Some do, but some prefer to work with organizations who complete the survey and access the data from us.

Can you share the budget for the project as outlined in the RFP? Can we see financials related to the project?
We cannot share a specific budget amount or range for the project, but we will be able to share financials related to the operations of the Boland Survey with the chosen firm/consultant once a contract has been signed.

How do you expect the results to be shared with CCVO?
We will work with the chosen firm/consultant to decide the best format, but we anticipate that a written document and presentation to specific team members could be options.

Who will be the primary CCVO contact(s) for the project?
Tracey Braun, Manager, Programs, will the primary CCVO contact for the project.

How does evaluating the feasibility of a cultural activity or tourism attraction relate to the evaluation of this survey of broad nonprofit compensation?
Thank you for those who noticed this error in the original RFP. We apologize for the confusion and have updated the RFP to reflect current assessment criteria.